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Soft Tissue Injection


There are a number of different ways that physicians, physiatrists, orthopedists, or other healthcare professionals may treat conditions that cause pain and inflammation. One piece of a larger treatment plan can include various types of injections.

Injections are often prescribed to help relieve pain and decrease inflammation. These Injections can be placed in different locations around the body – examples of injections include:

● Injections inside of a joint (intra-articular injections)
● Injections in the spine (epidural injections)
● Injections into a vein (intravenous injections)
● Injections along soft tissue
○ Bursa (fluid-filled sac; thought to reduce friction between bones or soft tissue)
○ Fascia (connective tissue)
○ Muscle
While corticosteroid injections are among the more common medications used for these types of injections, other medications, such as lidocaine, may be utilized alone or in combination with another medication. Other types of injections, such as platelet rich plasma, may also be considered depending on your condition.

Conditions that may indicate a possible use for a soft tissue injection can include:

● Bursitis: inflammation or irritation of a bursa
● Tendonitis: inflammation or irritation of the tendon(s)
● DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis: inflammation or irritation of the tendon sheath along the thumb.

There are many types of conditions or situations in which a physician or specialist might discuss injections as a possible treatment option.

Often, soft tissue injections are recommended after conservative methods have been tried. In other cases, an injection may be prescribed alongside a conservative treatment plan, like physical therapy.

What is Soft Tissue Injection?

An injection is typically performed in a clinic, or outpatient, meaning you’ll likely be able to go home the same day as the injection.

You may experience discomfort during the procedure, although sometimes, additional medications, like pain relievers or local anesthetics, may be used. The doctor performing the injection will prep the injection site and may use imaging, like ultrasound, to help guide them throughout the procedure.

Following your injection, you’ll typically have a bandage placed around the injection site, and you’ll receive instructions on how to care for the healing area, any activities to avoid, and instructions for follow up appointments.

Post-Surgical Recovery Process

Following the injection, you may be instructed to avoid certain activities or provide protection to the area for a period of time.

Your healthcare team will collaborate with you during your recovery process, and they will continue to monitor you, evaluate the healing process, and they will work with you to address any concerns or make any necessary changes to your plan as you move forward.

Is Soft Tissue Injection Right For you?

Soft tissue injections are typically used to reduce pain and inflammation, which may ultimately help you along in the rehabilitation process. With less pain, you may feel that you’re able to do more in your physical therapy sessions or get back to your daily activities with confidence.

If you have questions about soft tissue injections and want to learn more, speak with your healthcare provider to discuss the available options and determine the right route to recovery for you.

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