Core Concepts: Part Two!

In our second feature focusing on Core Stability and Strength, we will showcase five simple exercises that can have a big impact in preventing injuries and allowing you to better perform the activities you enjoy!


While lying on a firm flat surface with knees bent to 90 degree, squeeze buttocks causing pelvis to rotate backward. The lower back should flatten against the table.

Repeat 10 Times
Hold 5 Seconds
Complete 2 Sets
Perform 1 Time(s) a Day


While lying on your back with knees bent,tighten your lower abdominals (Pelvic Tilt), squeeze your buttocks and then raise your buttocks off the floor/bed as creating a “Bridge” with your body. Hold and then lower yourself and repeat.

Repeat 10 Times
Complete 3 Sets
Perform 1 Time(s) a Day


While lying on your back with both knees bent, stabilize your spine by bracing your abdominal muscles(Pelvic Tilt). Hold this contraction as you slowly lower one knee to the side. Your pelvis should not move.

You can place your thumbs on your pelvic bone to get feedback of any movements that occur. If your pelvis moves too much, then next time lower the leg less to maintain good control.

Repeat 10 Times
Hold 3 Seconds
Complete 2 Sets
Perform 1 Time(s) a Day


While lying on your back with knees bent, straighten out one knee while keeping the leg off the ground. Hold as indicated, then return to original position. Next, perform on the other leg. Use your stomach muscles to keep your spine from moving the entire time.

Repeat 10 Times
Complete 2 Sets
Perform 1 Time(s) a Day


Lie on your back and engage abdominals while alternating arms above your head and kicking legs out one at a time.
Keep your back flat on the mat to maintain a neutral spine position.

Repeat 10 Times
Complete 2 Sets
Perform 1 Time(s) a Day

Missed the first write up in the Core Stability and Strength series? Click here to check it out!