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A Patient Story

I fought off hip pain for approximately six months, assuming it was muscular. The pain progressed to the point where I had to cease activity for about three weeks, only to find it was only slightly better. I was however able to work out and play golf, albeit with modifications to my movement. Three months later, I decided to schedule with Orthopedic One based on a visit some eight years prior for another injury. Upon reviewing the x-ray, Dr. Westerheide was able to clearly see the culprit and provide the solution. I had little to no cartilage in the affected joint and total replacement was the solution. He however had to refer me to Dr. Pallante for the procedure. Dr. Pallante was friendly, cordial and put up with my desire to rush back to activity. He reassured me that with my age and physical condition, recovery should be no problem and though my desired timetable was aggressive, he did not rule out that timing as a possibility. He emphasized the need to be cautiously optimistic and to listen to my body as it healed. I have had zero issues with any part of the surgery. I was back working out within a few weeks and swinging a golf club at full strength, even better than prior years, after six weeks. Dr. Pallante has given me back my life. I no longer limp when walking with my family or playing sports. I am forever grateful to him and the staff at Orthopedic One!

- Travis Snead