Healthy Holidays

‘Tis the season for overindulges…but you don’t have to! It IS possible to enjoy your favorite holiday foods without going overboard. Check out the tips below and learn how to eat well and be well this holiday season! 

Enjoy in moderation: Indulging a little won’t hurt! Enjoy your favorite treats in smaller portions and plan ahead for healthy meals and snacks in between. 

Incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables will add flavor, color and nutrients to your holiday favorites. Bonus, they help you feel fuller longer, so you can avoid the temptation to overeat! 

Slash calories with healthier alternatives to treats and sweets: Review the American Heart Association’s Healthy Holiday Eating Guide!  This resource will help you learn where excess calories, sodium, saturated fat and added sugars are hiding in traditional holiday foods and provide healthier swaps that are still full of festive flavor!  

Sprinkle in opportunities to be active: It’s nearly impossible to avoid all holiday indulgences, so keep yourself in check by staying active. Try to keep to your regular fitness routine as much as you can. If you feel like mixing things up a bit during the holiday break, enjoy some winter sports for a change of pace, or schedule in a quick walk before you head to the next party.

Source: American Heart Association